About Us

Institute for development and social market in Belarus and Eastern Europe is an independent think tank and analytical centre founded in 2011.
The Institute's mission is to promote the establishment of a pluralistic democracy, the development of civil society, and the fostering of a competitive economic order in Belarus. This is to be achieved through fostering private initiative and encouraging social responsibility among businesses.
We aim to collaborate with Belarusian and Eastern European organisations, political and economic entities, to disseminate this model throughout the Eastern European region. Additionally, we advocate for enhanced regional cooperation.
Our values:
This model is founded upon the principle that individuals and diverse social groups are pivotal in shaping society. It emphasises that the spectrum of group interests determines political compromise, integral to the political process. While pluralistic democracy relies on consensus regarding fundamental values, it is distinguished by the central role of parliament and other representative institutions within the political system. The multiplicity of group interests fosters a range of associations that influence public policy. Additionally, this model embraces decentralisation in decision-making, wherein territorial authorities and local communities assume significant roles.
Our goals:
The list you provided outlines various objectives for an institute or organisation. Overall, the objectives are clear, but I'll make some adjustments for consistency and clarity.
  • Promoting and popularising the models of pluralistic democracy and civil society, as well as the concept of the Social Market Economy (SOME).
  • Establishing a scientific school of SOME in Belarus, enhancing its influence on the development and implementation of economic and social reforms in the country.

  • Fostering a cohesive community of scientists and experts from Belarus and Eastern Europe who uphold our shared values.
  • Drafting bills, programs, and recommendations aimed at facilitating systemic transformations in politics, the economy, the social sphere, and regional cooperation, in line with the Institute's mission.
  • Conducting research and producing analytical documents and publications.

  • Contributing to the fortification of civil society and the broadening of its social diversity.

  • Advocating for effective regional cooperation among countries and stakeholders in Eastern Europe in political, economic, security, and social/humanitarian realms.

  • 1
    Promoting and popularising the models of pluralistic democracy and civil society, as well as the concept of the Social Market Economy (SOME).
  • 2
    Establishing a scientific school of SOME in Belarus, enhancing its influence on the development and implementation of economic and social reforms in the country.
  • 3
    Fostering a cohesive community of scientists and experts from Belarus and Eastern Europe who uphold our shared values.
  • 4
    Drafting bills, programs, and recommendations aimed at facilitating systemic transformations in politics, the economy, the social sphere, and regional cooperation, in line with the Institute's mission.
  • 5
    Conducting research and producing analytical documents and publications.
  • 6
    Contributing to the fortification of civil society and the broadening of its social diversity.
  • 7
    Advocating for effective regional cooperation among countries and stakeholders in Eastern Europe in political, economic, security, and social/humanitarian realms.

Our team:

  • Andrei Laurukhin
    Academic director
    PhD, senior analyst of the Belarusian Institute of Strategic Studies (BISS, Lithuania), expert of the Belarusian Independent Bologna Committee. Head of the Department of Philosophy of the European Humanities University in Vilnius (2009−2011), Associate Professor of the Department of Sociology of the National Research University "Higher School of Economics" in St. Petersburg (2014−2022).
  • Roza Turarbekava
    Leading analyst
    Candidate of historical sciences, researcher at the Giessen Center for Eastern European Studies at the Justus-Liebig University (Giessen, Germany), DAAD scholarship holder. The invited professor of the Gumilyov Eurasian National University (Astana, Kazakhstan). Previously, an associate professor at the Belarusian State University, visiting professor at the European Humanities University (Lithuania), deputy dean of Kainar University (Kazakhstan).
    She specialises in the foreign policy dynamics of Near, Middle Eastern, and Central Asian countries, along with expertise in conflict studies and negotiation theory. Her current research centres on the challenges surrounding the establishment of a regional security framework in Central Asia.
  • Dzmitry Kukhlei
    Executive director
    Master of political science and international economics, analyst of the Belarusian expert network "Nasha Dumka” (“Our Thought"). A graduate of the Higher School of Public Administration (Bialystok, 2006) and the East European School of Political Studies at the Council of Europe (Strasbourg, 2009).